Tuesday, March 27, 2018

UPDATE - 27 March 2018

Good day, readers. With April just a few days away, I can’t believe we’re already a quarter into 2018. Subsequently, I can’t believe I’ve been at this since January and the time has passed this quickly. All I can say is that I hope this weekend brings something good, because I have some sort-of bad news: the amount of content on Red Eye is about to slow down. To be more specific, I am ceasing reviewing every current movie release on a regular basis. This will be in effect after all of the releases this upcoming weekend, starting 30 March.

I want to assure you it has absolutely nothing to do with loss of interest or creative burn-out. Quite the opposite. If anything, my writing momentum is better than it’s ever been. Having done this on such a regular basis has helped give me a lot of direction – I am even contemplating switching majors to journalism (or some sort of writing-based major). Reviewing movies independently (i.e., nobody pays me) is a very expensive gig, but I barely think about money: I love what I’ve been doing – even when I have to sit through complete rubbish. Even then, though, you have no idea how cathartic writing negative reviews are.

Because I still have this burning passion, you may ask why I’m putting a stop (hopefully temporary) to regular reviews. I mentioned money earlier. Yes, I have no issue spending money to pursue passion (can’t make an omelet without cracking a few eggs). Ultimately, though: I don’t mind busy as long as it’s not expensive; I don’t mind expensive as long as it’s not busy.

When I started, the average weekend would see 3-4 movies released. Now, it’s getting to be at least 5-6 (hell, the week after my car accident, there were 8 movies), and the workload is getting a bit too cumbersome (even 4 movies was starting to push it), and a heavy workload means a lot more money spent. As much as I love doing this, I’m not being paid for it, and I can only put so many funds forward. More importantly, though, the quality of my work slips the more I have to write – I’m more worried about that part than money.

I vehemently believe that film criticism must be approached with an “All or None” attitude. Sure, I can limit and boil down what I see, but is that fair to the films I don’t see that one or two of my readers were waiting to hear my opinion on? If they read my stuff, they value my opinion – I value their value, and of course I want them to continue reading my stuff. I doubt they’d keep coming back if they continuously don’t get to hear my opinion on what they want to see.

It might be unfair to the movie, as well. Let’s say there’s a movie I discover to be a masterpiece, but it’s totally under the radar and nobody’s talking about it. Because of that lack of popularity, of course I wouldn’t see it if I limited what I saw every weekend. When I see an unsung masterpiece, I want to be that guy who espouses its mastery from the highest mountain top.

Fret not, though – I give you my word that this is in no way the end. Just because I won’t be keeping up with contemporary releases doesn’t mean I won’t see a couple here and there. Also, since I have a small audience, I don’t mind taking requests – if there’s anything you guys want to hear my opinion, please get in touch with me and I’ll put it on my weekend radar. All I ask is that you ask me prior to release – I like to have my reviews out around the release date. That said, do know I can only go out of my way for one or two movies by this point.

And if that doesn’t give you reassurance, let me put it to you this way: one of my goals is to enter the Online Society of Film Critics, and two of the criteria are 1) Applicant must have been writing for at least two years – I just started this year, and we’ve got a lot of time before 2020 approaches us. Additionally 2) Applicant must have at least 50 reviews. I am currently at 34, so there’s still some ways to go. Along with current releases, there’s also plenty of past films I want to talk about.

So, don’t worry. I’ll still be busy; you’ll still have reading material. After all, it would be kind of nice to get to write about movies for a living, and I’d really like to reach that point. Nothing quite like humble beginnings.

Best regards,



A few colleagues and I may or may not be planning a YouTube series/podcast thing. No promises, but the cogwheels have been turning on this.

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